© 2022 Englewood Community Development Corporation

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Englewood Community Development Corporation

Nurturing and embodying love of neighbor on Indy’s Near Eastside

Indianapolis Near Eastside

We are committed to comprehensive community development

We truly care about every aspect of the quality of life for all persons, with an expressed preference to support vulnerable populations. We embrace a comprehensive, asset-based, grassroots approach to community and economic development.

Embracing an asset-based strategy allows us to participate in, or facilitate, community conversations and to wait to understand where we are invited to contribute to the myriad of giftings within the persons, associations, organizations, and businesses of this place.

Current Bid Opportunities

3032 E Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46201

Englewood Community Development Corporation is currently accepting General Contractor bids for their project “Catalina Commercial and Studios”, a rehab of a historic bar at 3032 E Washington Street, Indpls, IN, 46201. Project includes a commercial space on the first floor and 4 studio apartments on the second floor. Access to the bid documents and details here. Project is a prevailing wage job. Project is tax exempt.

This project includes opportunities for XBE and Section 3 businesses and Section 3 eligible workers. More information and documentation regarding these goals can be found in the bid documents. A pre-bid meeting will be held at 3032 E Washington Street, Indpls, IN, 46201 on Thursday, January 9th at 10 am. 

BIDS DUE: 5pm on Monday, February 17th to abigail@englewoodcdc.com

Please direct questions to abigail@englewoodcdc.com   

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